Your name and e-mail address are used when sending e-mail to voters. Your name should be recognizable to voters, and the e-mail address must work, because CIVS emails you the information needed to control the poll. Make sure your spam filter does not block mail from (or check your spam folder if the mail does not arrive!).

Do you want the poll to be private or public?

More options (mouse over each check box for more information)

By default, the results of a poll are visible to all voters. Select this option to restrict the visibility to some smaller set of people.

Voters are not anonymous if this is checked, nor does the server discard voter email addresses as it normally does. Voters are warned about this lack of anonymity. Multiple votes from a single IP address are allowed if this is a public poll.

For proportional representation, voters are assumed to be maximizing:

Make sure your e-mail address is correct, because poll information will be emailed to you. Voters will not be informed of the poll's existence until you respond to this e-mail message.